Monday, June 1, 2009

First taste of blogging

This blog was conceived as a place to document what we (my husband, P, and I) do with our CSA share over the next few months. For the uninitiated - or those who aren't local food snobs - the CSA share is our community-supported agriculture share. This is essentially our piece of a consortium of Mennonite farms north of Toronto. We purchased this through a fantastic store, Culinarium, that specializes in local food products.

My hope is that this blog keeps me a bit honest about what I do with the CSA shares, and pushes me to keep being creative with our weekly haul. It's kind of like announcing to the world you're on a diet - I'll pretend someone other than me cares if I'm using all of our share in the most interesting and least wasteful way possible.

I invite anyone who reads this blog to post suggestions for recipes, or links to their own blogs about similar topics (local food in Toronto, ways to use an abundance of anything seasonal, etc.)

The first portion of our share arrives tomorrow, as will the first real post!


  1. I start getting my CSA share next week from Plan B Organics! We can be in this together!

  2. That's great! I'll see how much Eugenie-approved recipes I can come up with. :) (For instance, the couscous salad could easily be a bulgar salad, or quinoa...)
