Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This week's haul

This week is similar to last week's box o' veggies:

- 2 heads of lettuce
- 1 zucchini
- 1 tomato
- garlic scapes
- green onions
- strawberries (this will be their last week...so sad!)
- green beans
- more mint/bergamot tea leaves
- 1 cucumber
- a bunch of spinach

Any suggestions out there for how to use the garlic scapes? They seem a bit like green onions to me; I was thinking I could put them in a stir-fry, or actually remember to saute them with the zucchini, like I meant to last week...


  1. huh. i didn't even know scapes were.


  2. I thought the garlic scapes were great in a duck and chicken egg omelette we made over the w/e. I also did a quick dinner after working late one night where I stir fried garlic scapes, greens beans, and onions which I then added to quinoa with sesame oil & tamari.

    You will find that when I'm in doubt, my answer will often be to "stir fry it!"

  3. I found this post all about garlic scapes. Can be used to make pesto among other suggestions. www.finecooking.com/item/702/garlic-springs-upon-us
